1. What is Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
- Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a safe method of delivering more oxygen to the body at the cellular level.
- HBOT provides the optimal environment for the body to carry out vital cell processes, thereby increasing the capacity for the body to heal itself.
- HBOT utilizes filtered pressurized ambient air to dissolve oxygen directly into the plasma, cerebral and spinal fluids, flooding tissues and vital organs with oxygen.
- Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy allows for healing at the cellular level, which is critical for changes to be made which in turn affect healthy tissue formation, making it possible for healthier organs and ultimately a healthier body overall.
2. Is it safe?
- YES! The hyperbaric chamber uses filtered ambient air, so there is no risk of oxygen toxicity to the body even with regular use.
- The chamber can be depressurized and opened from the inside.
- Once inside the chamber, both visual and verbal communication is possible with the outside.
- Most people report a comfortable, relaxing experience and emerge from the chamber feeling refreshed.
- This therapy is non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, and there are no dangerous side effects.
3. How Does It Work?
- The mild hyperbaric chamber is filled with compressed ambient air from 2 to 4.5 pounds per square inch. (1.3 ATA max) This is the equivalent of 11 feet below sea level.
- The increased pressure allows the blood plasma and other liquids of the body to absorb additional oxygen thus greatly increasing oxygen uptake by the cells, tissues, glands, organs, brain, and fluids of the body.
- The resulting uptake of oxygen allows for increased circulation to areas with swelling or inflammation. At the same time, the increased pressure decreases swelling and inflammation.
- Oxygen is then utilized by the body for vital cell functions, healthier cells equals healthier tissues and organs.
- The human body is capable of healing itself when it has what it needs. There is NOTHING the human body needs more than OXYGEN.
4. Why does it work?
Henry’s Law of Physics:
- An increase in atmospheric pressure allows for more gas to be dissolved into any given liquid.
- Oxygen, the 8th element on the Periodic Table, exists as a gas at room temperature.
- The human body is composed almost completely of water.
Gas … under pressure … dissolves in water
5. Are there any side effects?
No dangerous side effects have been reported with Mild Hyperbaric Therapy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for your first session in a chamber:
- Some people experience a mild discomfort to the ears when pressurizing the chamber, not unlike during the ascending part of an airplane ride.
- Some people following their first few sessions experience slight fatigue as the body sweeps itself clear of toxic debris that has built up in the body. This is safe and necessary.
- It is advisable that you wear comfortable, loose clothing. (Pantyhose and other tight garments may contribute to feelings of claustrophobia.) Bring something to read, as the sessions last about 60 minutes. You may bring your phone or tablet in the chamber with you. Do no not drink large amounts of fluids before entering the chamber.
- Do not wear perfume or cologne when you are coming for your session.
6. What can I expect to happen during my session?
The chamber will seem smaller when deflated than it is when fully pressurized. Within one minute the chamber will inflate completely, allowing enough room for an adult to sit upright or lie fully extended.
After the chamber inflates, it will begin to pressurize. This is the time when you may experience pressure in your ears. The easiest way to relieve any discomfort this may cause is to equalize your ears using one or more of the following methods:
- Close your mouth and firmly clamp your nose shut with your fingers and thumb. Blow, as if you were blowing your nose, but keep nose and mouth closed. You will feel the air come out through your ears when you have done this procedure correctly, and this should relieve the pressure.
- Yawn. Stretching your mouth as wide as possible, even stretching your tongue out. This will cause the sinus passages surrounding your ears to drain and relieve the pressure.
- If you are the parent of a small child who is having trouble with their ears during pressurization, try massaging the area just below the ears and right behind the jaw. A baby still on the bottle or pacifier should be given either of these, but if your child is likely to spill drinks in the chamber please try to monitor them with liquids.
- Sit upright. Turn your head completely to the right, then completely to the left. Repeat earlier steps until the ears are cleared.
7. How long does a session last?
The sessions last around 60 minutes.
8. What can I do during my hyperbaric session?
- Listen to music
- Talk on your cell phone
- Play handheld games
- Watch movies on your tablet
- Work on laptop computer
- Read books or magazines
9. Are there any reasons a person should NOT go into the chamber?
Yes. You should NOT go into the chamber if you are inebriated (drunk), if you have ear canal problems or an ear infection, or if you are experiencing flu or cold symptoms. Also please do not enter the chamber wearing perfume or cologne. We do have individuals who are sensitive to chemicals that might enter the chamber after you.
10. How frequently should I schedule my sessions?
We will make a recommendation for you based on your needs after an initial evaluation.
11. How much do sessions cost?
Sessions vary in cost according to the package purchased. Please call the office for more information. 678.947.4454