Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy  (SOT) By Research Genetic Cancer Center (RGCC)

 Anti-Sense Oligonucleotide Therapy  (AOT)  for Lyme, Lyme Co-Infections and other viruses

SOT is a treatment that was originally created in Europe over 20 years ago by the name of anti-sense oligonucleotide therapy (AOT).   If you are searching online for this treatment, it is best to look for it under the name of anti-sense oligonucleotide therapy. You will quickly see decades of research from European and American based companies and universities.  RGCC labs in Greece has improved this technology over the previous technology and renamed it as an SOT because they create a treatment based on the patient’s unique genetic molecules.  We know of no other laboratory in the world that is creating this unique process. In the United States, we now cure hepatitis C with this exact same FDA approved technology. So, if we can turn off hepatitis C with one dose of an anti-sense therapy then we can definitely turn off the same replication cycle of Lyme disease, Lyme co-infections, viruses and even cancer cells.

Over the past two decades, Anti-Sense Oligonucleotide Technology has emerged as a valid approach to selectively modulate gene expressions in various targets. The recent acceleration of science and the ability to identify new molecular targets for cancer, Lyme and other viruses, has driven new advances in this technology.  The limited effectiveness of conventional treatment strategies has focused considerable interest on the technology and development of new types of gene silencing therapies.

How does SOT work?

RGCC Laboratory located in Greece is a genetic laboratory which is capable of identifying the specific gene sequences of different targets such as cancer, lyme and other viruses. We send a patient’s blood to their lab and they identify the main genetic sequence (gene epitope) of our target genes. Once they identify the main genetic epitope of the target, they cross reference the gene sequences to an international database of genetics to ensure they have the proper sequences. RGCC created this unique fingerprinting technology so that we can ensure the success of this treatment. It creates a 98% specificity to our target genes such as the Lyme Spirochetes and it does not interfere with any other human cells. Once the replication genes (sense strand) are identified, the laboratory creates the anti-copy of the replication sequences of the translocation genes. The sense strand is the particular code of the genetics that creates replication in the cell. RGCC splices apart the sense strand and makes a complimentary copy of the DNA sequences that creates replication. This in turn creates an anti-sense therapy.

Once they create the complimentary copy of the replication sequences, they surround this copy with a synthetic messenger RNA so that it has the ability to penetrate within the cell wall of our target. Once this mRNA sequence is created, they replicate this to 500 million to 1 billion copies of your unique SOT molecules. These molecules are delivered to our office where you receive your one dose IV treatment.

Once you receive your SOT molecules, they are at work 24-hours a day,  seven days a week for up to six months inhibiting the replication cycle of your target spirochetes.

The Lyme spirochetes have a life cycle of 80 days. It is the longest life cycle of any bacteria in science and it has one of the most complicated gene sequences that we study. One point of interest is to note that this treatment is not an immune treatment and it does not work through the immune activation system therefore there is very minimal side effects. SOT works simply by shutting down the gene replication sequences of our target therefore eliminating the next life cycle.  Once the life cycle of the spirochete has been completed there are just simply no spirochetes left.

In summary, when the genetic sequence of a particular gene is known to be a causative agent of a particular disease, it is possible to synthesize a strand of nucleic acid (DNA, RNA or a chemical analogue) that will bind to the messenger RNA (MRNA) produced by that gene and effectively turning that gene “off”. This is called gene silencing therapy or apoptosis inducing therapy.

At our clinic, The Genesis Center, we focus on Lyme disease treatment and integrated cancer treatment. We have performed hundreds of SOT treatments for our patients and thousands have been treated in the US with incredible success Our patients come from all over the United States and from other countries to be treated for this SOT technology that gives you a 24 hours a day, seven days a week treatment capacity with a curative approach to our target focus which can be Lyme, cancer or any other virus that differs from the genetics of our original gene structure.


Research Study

YouTube video from ISIS

Isis Module 1 Animation How Antisense Drugs Work

Mack H Sloan, ND