
COMPLETE INTTESTINAL RESTORATION PROGRAM (CIRP) Finally, there is a program that may cure your candida. A complete Candida Elimination and Gut Restoration Program used by health professionals. This is not a health food store approach. These tests and products have been used exclusively by health care professionals, now there available to you. This 3 step program is invaluable information for a symptom free life. And, its at a great value. There are many symptoms of candida overgrowth in the intestinal tract. These include:

  • Allergies and allergy symptoms
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Acne, Cystic Acne
  • Anxiety, Hyperactivity
  • Auto-Immune Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea, chronic gas and abdominal cramps
  • Eczema
  • Bloated Abdomen
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Inflammed Bowel Disease
  • Extreme lethargy
  • Fatigue (that can be extreme)
  • Frequent urination and frequent UTI
  • Yeast infections in women
  • High sugar or mold food allergy
  • Hives
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles and of various parts of the body (feet, legs, arms)
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Muscle weakness and bone pain
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Panic attacks
  • Psoriasis/seborrheic dermatitis/dandruff, dry, itchy skin
  • Rectal itching
  • Sinus problems
  • Swollen lips/face
  • White tongue and a white coating

You may be one of millions with chronic yeast (candida) overgrowth. On the following pages you will find information that can lead you to a life free of chronic yeast problems.


Causes of Candida

Toxocity Every year on average, Americans consume 150lbs of soft drinks. That adds up to 52tsp of refined white sugar everyday! Compare the averages of junk food consumption:

1981 2001
45 large bags of chips up 78%
120 orders of fries up 130%
190 candy bars up 80%
120 pastries or deserts up 95%
150 slices of Pizza up 143%

Reference: Jay Williams PhD, Possible signs and symptoms of a toxic body Antibiotics Use First things first, if you are taking anti-biotics then your balance of flora bacteria will be compromised. Typically, you are taking anti-biotics for strep throat, a sinus infection or an ear infection. However, your intestines are greatly affected. Anti-biotic means anti- life, and they eliminate beneficial bacteria along with the bad strains. When more of your beneficial bacteria is eliminated by the anti-biotic, then the yeast may be able to take over more territory, leaving you in a more weakened state for the future. So, if you are on a course of antibiotics wait until you have finished before beginning the program. You can take a strong probiotic (Acidophilus) at the opposite time during the day as you take your anti-biotic. The Florastor may offer you the greatest defense from further imbalances while on the anti-biotic. Stress Stress and emotional upset can negatively effect our immune systems and many candida sufferers have reported that their candida problem really got a hold after a period of intense stress or a prolonged period of low level stress. So take steps to destress your world. Alcohol Abuse Alcohol can kill the beneficial bacteria as well as give abundant food to the yeast organism. The sugar in alcohol is yeasts’ best friend. Candida lives off of sugar and carbohydrates and alcohol is the most refined sugar you can put in your body. It is a double edged sword. Alcohol overuse is a major cause of problems today. Prednisone, Cortisone and Cortico-steroids Prednisone reduces immune function. So people in long term low dose steroid treatment may be caught in a tight spot. They may need the prednisone for a life threatening disease like Lupus, MS, etc., however, they may also coincidingly need a candida program to control the yeast overgrowth. This is merely a damage control method until you can get of the medication and do the complete cleanse. Birth Control It is long understood that Candida is more predominant in women than men. The main reason is the amounts of estrogen and progesterone in the female body actually create an environment more conducive to yeast growth. IF a woman is on Birth Control pills, she is taking much more hormone than the body produces itself, therefore there is a greater probability to develop yeast infections and intestinal overgrowth.


Leaky Gut Syndrome

The lining of the intestines is a barrier that normally only allows properly digested fats, proteins, and starches pass through and enter the bloodstream. It allows substances to pass in several ways. Chloride, potassium, magnesium, sodium and free fatty acids diffuse through intestinal cells. Amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, minerals, and vitamins also cross through cells, but they do it by another mechanism called active transport. There’s a third way substances can pass through. The spaces in between the cells that line the intestines are normally sealed. These tight junctions are called desmosomes. When the intestinal lining becomes irritated, the junctions loosen and allow unwanted larger molecules in the intestines to pass through into the blood. These unwanted substances are seen by the immune system as foreign (because they aren’t normally present in blood). This triggers an antibody reaction. When the intestinal lining becomes further damaged, even larger substances, such as disease-causing bacteria, undigested food particles, and toxins, pass directly through the damaged cells. Again, the immune system is alarmed and antibodies and substances called cytokines are realeased. Cytokines alert white blood cells to fight the particles. This fight produces oxidants, which cause irritation and inflammation throughout the body. Symptoms of Leaky gut syndrome / Intestinal permeability Symptoms include: abdominal pain, asthma, chronic joint pain, chronic muscle pain, confusion, fuzzy or foggy thinking, gas, indigestion, mood swings, nervousness, poor immunity, recurrent vaginal infections, skin rashes, diarrhea, bed-wetting, recurrent bladder infections, poor memory, shortness of breath, constipation, bloating, aggressive behavior, anxiety, fatigue, feeling toxic. Leaky gut syndrome is associated with the following conditions:

  • Autoimmune disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Environmental illness
  • Hives
  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Inflammatory joint disease / arthritis
  • Intestinal infections
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Giardia
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Food allergies and sensitivities
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome / Intestinal Permeability

  • Chronic stress
  • Intestinal infections
  • Small intestine bacterial overgrowth
  • Environmental contaminants
  • Excess alcohol
  • Poor diet
  • NSAIDS and other medications

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?


The purpose of the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, or gut, is multi-fold. Basically, it: i) Digests foods ii) Absorbs small food particles to be converted into energy. iii) Carries nutrients like vitamins and minerals attached to carrier proteins across the gut lining into the bloodstream. iv) Contains a major part of the chemical detoxification system of the body. v) Contains immunoglobulins or antibodies that act as the first line of defence against infection. Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is a poorly recognised but extremely common problem. It is rarely tested for. Essentially, it represents a hyper-permeable intestinal lining. In other words, spaces develop between the cells of the gut wall, and bacteria, toxins and food leak through. The official definition is an increase in permeability of the intestinal mucosa to luminal macromolecules, antigens and toxins associated with inflammatory degenerative and/or atrophic mucosal damage. The Mucosal Barrier The barrier posed by the intestinal mucosa is, even in normal subjects, an incomplete one. Small quantities of molecules of different sizes and characteristics cross the intact epithelium by both active and passive mechanisms. The route by which such transfer occurs is, at least in part, dependent on molecular size. Molecules up to about 5000 Daltons in size cross the epithelial membrane of the microvilli. Larger molecules may utilise an intercellular pathway or depend on being taken up by endocytosis entering the cell at the base of the microvilli. How Does The Gut Become Leaky? Once the gut lining becomes inflamed or damaged, this disrupts the functioning of the system. The spaces open up and allow large food antigens, for example, to be absorbed into the body. Normally the body sees only tiny food antigens. When it sees these new, larger ones, they are foreign to the body’s defence system. So the attack results in the production of antibodies against once harmless, innocuous foods. Isn’t Leakier Better? It might sound good that the gut can become leaky, because it would seem that the body would be better able to absorb more amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. For the body to absorb a mineral it does not just slowly diffuse across the gut membrane it must be attached to a carrier protein. This protein hooks onto the mineral and actually carries it across the gut wall into the bloodstream. However, when the intestinal lining is damaged through inflammation these carrier proteins get damaged as well, so now the victim is vulnerable to developing mineral and vitamin deficiencies. The 7 stages of the ‘inflamed’ gut. 1 . When the gut is inflamed, it does not absorb nutrients and foods properly and so fatigue and bloating can occur. 2. As mentioned previously, when large food particles are absorbed there is the creation of food allergies and new symptoms. 3. When the gut is inflamed the carrier proteins are damaged so nutrient deficiencies can occur. 4. Likewise when the detoxification pathways that line the gut are compromised, chemical sensitivity can arise. Furthermore the leakage of toxins overburdens the liver so that the body is less able to handle everyday chemicals. 5. When the gut lining is inflamed the protective coating of lgA (immunoglobulin A) is adversely affected and the body is not able to ward off protozoa, bacteria, viruses and yeasts. 6. When the intestinal lining is inflamed, bacteria and yeasts are able to trans-locate. This means that they are able to pass from the gut lumen or cavity, into the bloodstream and set up infection anywhere else in the body. 7. The worst symptom is the formation of antibodies. Sometimes these leak across and look similar to antigens on our own tissues. Consequently, when an antibody is made to attack it, it also attacks our tissue. This is probably how autoimmune disease start.

Complete Intestinal Restoration Program



#1 KILL (Kill the bad guys) Once you decide that you need to cleanse from intestinal overgrowth, either through the stool test or the candida questionnaire, then you need to start the first step. The Kill step involves taking natural supplements that are candida killers for a minimum of 4 weeks and up to 3 months. Depending on the amount of overgrowth you have, the length may vary. If you did an initial stool test, you may retest at the 6 week mark to see if the bad guys are gone. If they are, you can start step two. If you only scored the initial candida questionnaire, you need to redo the questionnaire to see if you have improved enough to go to step two.

There is no need to take an acidophilus product at this time. The good guys won’t grow where the bad guy is living.


#2 HEAL (Heal the Intestinal Lining) Only after you have killed the bad guys, then you are ready to heal the intestinal lining. You have around 25-28 feet of small intestine. This is where all the action takes place. Your intestinal lining has the surface area of a tennis court. This is because of the massive absorption that takes place. Imagine you are looking down over a tennis court. There should be around 10 pounds of Beneficial Bacteria that gently covers the area of the court. However, due to antibiotics, diet, alcohol, etc., you have developed a section of the tennis court that has grown a strong case of Candida. When the overgrowth takes over a section, it roots in very deeply and it creates its own environment (PH and Mucus). This overgrowth creates inflammation and destroys the lining in this area. WE MUST HEAL THIS SECTION OF THE INTESTINE. However, you can’t heal this area with Candida growing on it. SO, After you have finished step one, you may begin step two. Step two is heal the lining where the bad guy used to grow. Acidophilius will not grow on a membrane where another pathogen is living and acidophilus will not kill candida entirely. Now, you have to heal this area with nutrients, reduce the inflammation, correct the mucus and restore the PH. This process may take another 4 weeks and up to 3 months. Once you have gotten started on this step, you may go to step three.


#3 Restore (Replace the Good Bacteria) This is the final phase of a complete intestinal restoration program. Only, and I mean only after you have killed the bad guys and healed the lining, will you be able to restore the good guys. The Good guys cannot grow where there is another bug and they cannot repopulate a tissue that has improper conditions. So now we can grow back some good bacteria. This process may take up to 6 months to completely repopulate your intestine with good bacteria so they are growing on their own. Once you have restored the intestine, your journey is over. Now, you don’t have to be concerned with every piece of food or the uncomfortable feeling from an overgrowth. Congratulations! You won!

Vaginal Yeast Infections

Chronic Yeast Infections are CUREABLE !!

What is yeast?

Yeast is a fungus scientifically referred to as Candida. The specific type of fungus most commonly responsible for vaginitis is Candida albicans. Yeast is commonly present on normal human skin and in areas of moisture, such as the mouth and vagina. In fact, up to 20% of women normally carry yeast in the vaginal area.

What is vaginitis?

Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina. Vaginitis is very common and is reported by as many as 75% of women at some point in their lives. Vaginitis can be caused by a number of infections, including bacteria (such as Gardnerella and gonorrhea), protozoans (such as trichomonas), and yeast (Candida). Vaginal yeast infection is often referred to as vaginal Candidiasis.

A Permanent Cure

If you have ever treated your yeast infection with an over-the-counter medication, you will find it typically returns time and time again.  The truth is that vaginal yeast only overgrows in your vagina when the Candida level in your body grows to a high level.  The vaginal orifice is a perfect growing area for bacteria and candida.  It has temperature, moisture and the correct ph, making it an easy target.  In fact for women, if you have chronic yeast infections, that is the best indication that you have an overgrowth in your Gastro-intestinal tract. If you have chronic yeast infections or have been diagnosed with vaginal Candididsis, the only permanent way to remove it is to follow the Complete Intestinal Restoration Program.  We do offer a vaginal suppository that will remove it from the vaginal area and give you symptom relief but if you don’t kill it at the origin, you will be faced with the same problem time and time again.


Candida Questionnaire and Score Sheet

The following questionnaire is provided by the gracious work and permission of Dr. William Crook. This questionnaire is designed for adults and the scoring system isn’t appropriate for children. It lists factors in your medical history which promote the growth of Candida Albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast-connected illness (Sections B and C). For each “Yes” answer in Section A, circle the Point Score in that section. Total your score and record it on the line at the end of the section. Then move on to Sections B and C and score as directed. Filling out and scoring this questionnaire should help you and your physician evaluate the possible role of candida in contributing to your health problem. They it will not provide an automatic “Yes” or “No” answer.

Section A: History
Question Point Score
1. Have you taken tetracycline’s (or other antibiotics) for 2 months (or longer)? 25
2. Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics (Including Keflex®, ampicillin, amoxicillin, Ceclor®, Bactrim®, and Septra®*) for respiratory, urinary or other infections (for 2 months or longer, or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1-year period? 20
3. Have you, at any time in your life, been troubled by persistent vaginal problems or had 3 or more episodes of vaginitis in a year? 25
4a. Have you been pregnant 2 or more times? 4b. Have you been pregnant 1 time? 5 3
5a. Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years? 5b. For 6 months to 2 years? 15 8
6a. Have you taken prednisone, Decadron® or other cortisone-type drugs for more than 2 weeks? 6b. For 2 weeks or less? 15 6
7a. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other chemicals provoke… Moderate to severe symptoms? 7b. Mild symptoms? 20 5
8. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places? 20
9a. Have you had persistent athlete’s foot, “jock itch”, or other chronic fungous infections of the skin or nails? Have such infections been … Severe or persistent? 9b. Mild to moderate? 20 10
10. Do you crave sugar? 10
11. Do you crave breads? 10
12. Do you crave alcoholic beverages? 10
13. Does tobacco smoke really bother you? 10

TOTAL SCORE, Section A _________________________________ *Such antibiotics kill off “good germs” while they’re killing off those which cause infection.

Section B: History For each symptom which is present, enter the appropriate figure in the Point Score column: If a symptom is mild: score 3 points. If a symptom is moderate: score 6 points. If a symptom is severe or disabling: score 9 points. Add total score for this section and record it on the line at the end of this section.

Symptom Point Score
1. Fatigue or lethargy.
2. Feeling of being “drained”
4. Feeling “spacey ” or “unreal”
5. Depression
6. Numbness, burning or tingling
7. Muscle aches
8. Muscle weakness or paralysis
9. Pain and/or swelling in joints
10. Abdominal pain
11. Constipation
12. Diarrhea
13. Bloating
14. Troublesome vaginal discharge
15. Persistent vaginal burning or itching
16. Prostatitis
17. Impotence
18. Loss of sexual feeling
19. Endometriosis
20. Dysmenorrhea
21. Premenstrual tension
22. Spots in front of eyes
23. Erratic Vision

TOTAL SCORE, Section B _________________________________

Section C: Other Symptoms For each symptom which is present, enter the appropriate figure in the Point Score column: If a symptom is mild: score 1 points. If a symptom is moderate: score 2 points. If a symptom is severe or disabling: score 3 points. Add total score for this section and record it on the line at the end of this section. *While the symptoms in this section occur commonly in patients with yeast-connected illness, they also occur commonly in patients who do not have candida.

Symptom Point Score
1. Drowsiness
2. Irritability or jitteriness
3. Incoordination
4. Inability to concentrate
5. Frequent mood swings
6. Headache
7. Dizziness / loss of balance
8. Pressure above ears…feeling of head swelling and tingling
9. Itching
10. Other rashes
11. Heartburn
12. Indigestion
13. Belching and intestinal gas
14. Mucus in stools
15. Hemorrhoids
16. Dry mouth
17. Rash or blisters in mouth
18. Bad breath
19. Joint swelling or arthritis
20. Nasal congestion or discharge
21. Postnasal drip
22. Nasal itching
23. Sore or dry throat
24. Cough
25. Pain or tightness in chest
26. Wheezing or shortness of breath
27. Urgency or urinary frequency
28. Burning on urination
29. Failing vision
30. Burning or tearing eyes
31. Recurrent ear infections
32. Fluid in ears
33. Ear pain or deafness
34. Tubes in ears
35. Other symptoms

TOTAL SCORE, Section C _________________________________

GRAND TOTAL SCORE (Add up Total Score for Sections A, B, and C) _________________________________

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evaluation: (Note that the scoring will be different for females and males since seven questions apply exclusively to women, while only two apply exclusively to men.) If your point score is over 180 in women (and 140 in men), candida almost certainly plays a role in causing your health problems. If your point score is over 120 in women (and 90 in men), candida probably plays a role in causing your health problems. If your point score is 60 to 120 for women (and 40 to 90 in men), candida possibly plays a role in causing your health problems. If your point score is less than 60 for women (and 40 for men), candida is less apt to be playing a significant role in causing your health problems.